Talent Management
This module on Talent Management is part of the GroomTalent.com curriculum of critical management training courses for developing leadership competencies and management talent.
Talent Management Competencies – the ability to
- Establish talent development processes that align with company strategy and reflect best practices and Values Discipline
- Appreciate cultural and sub group differences
- Create a culture that builds talent throughout an organization
- Develop communication strategies and positive working relationships among members of a team
- Align incentives and rewards with core business strategy
- Recognize new talent and develop leadership capacity
- Retain valuable team members through better incentive strategies
- Leverage new approaches to performance evaluation and, compensation, and non-compensation rewards
- Establish hiring as an ongoing process to provide talent to execute an evolving business strategy
- Develop a recruitment strategy to help the company anticipate future leadership and organizational talent and competency needs
- Integrate newcomers into the organization in ways that maximize their ability to perform and succeed
- Manage the complexities of reorganizations, mergers, and downsizing as part of your strategic hiring process
Recommended materials
- The 30-Minute Guide To Talent And Succession Management: A Quick Reference Guide For Business Leaders by Doris Sims (2009)
- The Talent Management Handbook: Creating Organizational Excellence by Identifying, Developing, and Promoting Your Best People by Lance Berger, et al. (2003)
- Best Practices in Talent Management: How the World’s Leading Corporations Manage, Develop, and Retain Top Talent by Marshall Goldsmith, Louis Carter, and The Best Practice Institute ( 2009)
- Finding Your Future Talent Stars. By Schaper, Jim. BusinessWeek Online, 7/5/2010, p7-7, 1p
- Five Tips to Winning the Future Talent War. By: Charney, Dan. Material Handling Management, Jul2010, Vol. 65 Issue 7
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For more information, please contact wooner@groomtalent.com to customize a premium management training programdrawn from GroomTalent’s cutting edge knowledge base