With the rise of the internet, creating new businesses cheaply with massive ROI’s is becoming commonplace. This module reviews the basics of creating a new business with particular attention to leveraging off the productivity and innovation windfalls offered by the internet. This module on Entrepreneurship is part of the GroomTalent.com curriculum of critical training courses for developing leadership competencies and management talent.
Entrepreneurship Competencies:
- Innovative business modelling. The ability to manipulate existing business models to yield Blue Ocean offerings that are uncontested
- Risk taking. No guts no glory. Enough said
- Networking. Think Web 2.0. Do whatever you do with Facebook and Twitter. It’s easier. And more fun.
- Customer Insight. Business models revolve around providing value to customers. Very often this is hidden in plain sight. Or smell. Imagine the invention of the first roll on deodorant.
- Persistance. You will likely fail. At first. And you will likely not succeed ever if you do not try again.
Recommended materials
- Internet Riches: The simple money-making secrets of online millionaires by Scott Fox. (2007) (Click for book review)
- Entrepreneur’s Notebook: Practical advice for starting a new business venture by Steven K. Gold (2006)
- How to Make Money While You Sleep: A 7 step plan for starting your own profitable online business by Brett McFall (2008) (Click for book review.)
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